Onto editing!

 Hi blog! Adarius and I convened over FaceTime, eager to dive into the editing process for our movie. With screens glowing in front of us, we delved into a detailed discussion about our vision for the final product. We exchanged ideas on pacing, transitions, and overall aesthetics, striving to ensure our film conveyed the intended emotions. Adarius shared his insights on scene selection and suggested ways to enhance the storytelling through editing techniques. After finalizing our plan, Adarius sent over the video segments to me for editing. Armed with the footage, I opened CapCut and began importing the files, each clip a piece of our collective creativity waiting to be molded. With precision, I cropped and edited the videos, carefully curating each frame to achieve the desired effect. Adjusting timings and adding effects, I worked tirelessly to bring our vision to life on screen. As the pieces fell into place, I could feel the excitement building with each edit made. After hours of meticulous work, I pieced together the final movie, a culmination of our combined efforts and creative energies. With bated breath, I sent the finished product back to Adarius, eager for his feedback and approval. Now, with the movie complete, the next step awaited – adding our carefully chosen song to complement the visuals. Adarius would take on this task, weaving the music seamlessly into our film to enhance its impact. As we prepared to unveil our creation to the world, anticipation mingled with a sense of satisfaction, knowing that our collaboration had yielded something truly special.
